Wednesday, March 3, 2010

On baking

So since I've recently had more spare time than I ever wanted, I've decided to start a full time baking company! Woo.
For the past two years, I've been doing a baking order business thing over Christmas time, which has actually kinda sucked. I mean, sure I get heaaps of money, but since it's all squashed into a two week period, it's always super stressful as well. Last year, this one woman ordered something like 74 lots of chocolates, which came to about 900 in all! Shit, that was lame.
But I think that even if it's stressful, it'll be worth it for the extra money :).
Anyway! I thought that on my catalogue, I could put up some fancy looking photos of my baking. So here are some photos of the baking that I thought might look impressive that I've done so far:

This is my chocolate caramel slice :) it's sooo good. But it makes me feel a bit ill after more than one :s.

Coconut lime cake... Yum yum.

So what do you think? On the photography and the like.. Do you think they look good enough to buy? Let me know!!

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